Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves

Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves is an archaeologist and historian, member and researcher at CIDEHUS, completed a degree course in History at the University of Évora (pre-Bologna) and, subsequently, completed a Master's degree in Archeology and Environment at the same institution. He completed specializations in Archeology and Dendrochronology at several institutions such as the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, at Idiana State University and CONICET/IANIGLA in Mendoza, Argentina, for this last training he received a scholarship from CONICET and CIDEHUS. He also specialized in digital humanities and multidimensional surveys of architectural and archaeological heritage. For more than 20 years he dedicated himself to public and safeguard archaeology, digital archaeology, dendrochronology and historical research. He is currently a researcher at CIDEHUS- UÉ and collaborates with EROS Environment research on Science Consulting and with AHAS (Association of History and Archeology of Sabrosa and with the Society of Natural History, in Torres Vedras, being responsible and coordinator in the projects Pannonias Digital Old Lands, Touças old Paths, Touças Medieval Graveyard (multi-annual project approved by the DGPC) and the project to digitize the historical archive of the Mina do Vale das Gatas (Industrial archeology), in Sabrosa. He is also coordinator of the multi-annual project approved by the DGPC S. Lourenço dos Francos: between the Roman world, late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, in the municipality of Lourinhã and the European Project Learning Villages “C”: International Network, from the program “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program (CERV). Dina Borges Pereira Dina Borges Pereira has a degree in archeology and a master's degree in archeology and environment, and has developed work in the areas of investigative archeology and preventive archeology for more than 18 years. She is the co-author of several scientific articles and co-responsible for several projects in the fields of public archeology. She is the founder of several cultural institutions, among which the Association of History and Archeology of Sabrosa stands out, of which she is currently president, and is also co-responsible for cultural and tourist projects such as the Panonnias Digital Old Lands project, financing by Turismo de Portugal and other projects on rural cultural heritage and education for culture.


The Music of Wine: Resources for Wine Tourism and Wine's Immaterial Cultural Heritage Interpretation
Martín Gómez-Ullate, Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves. © 2024. 16 pages.
In many regions of Spain and Portugal, wine is still not very profitable for winegrowers who barely recover the economic and human capital inputs dedicated throughout the year to...