Gamini Pushpakumara

|Gamini Pushpakumara - Contributing Author|I have 30 years of service as an academic attached to the Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. I have professional experiences and skills in research in the areas of building partnerships and multidisciplinary teams and their coordination, budgeting, evaluation, strategic planning and supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students, policy on homegarden, conservation, germplasm management, forestry and agroforestry and climate change, and fundraising for educational and research activities. My research and teaching areas included Tree Domestication and Improvement; System Approach in Agricultural Systems, Agroforestry and Homegardens and their Impacts on Climate Change; Biodiversity; Plant Invasion and their Impacts. I have published more than 100 full research papers and books or book chapters to my credit. My research collaborators have come from national agricultural research system and other universities in Sri Lanka and researchers from elsewhere in the world. I have served in national level governing boards, task forces and research monitoring and evaluation committees. I have also served as the country Liaison Scientists to the World Agroforestry Centre and a Visiting Professor in Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania.


Assessment of Plant Genetic Resources and Ethnobotanical Knowledge in Tropical Agricultural Ecosystems: With a Special Focus on Diverse Agricultural Ecosystems in Sri Lanka
Ranil Rajapaksha, Gamini Pushpakumara, Rainer W. Bussmann. © 2024. 23 pages.
The agricultural ecosystems in Sri Lanka exhibit high diversity owing to the country's distinctive climate, soil variations, topography, and its unique geographical position...
Land Regulations, Tenure, and Land Use of Sri Lanka: A Historical Analysis on Agricultural Lands
Jeevika Weerahewa, Dilini Hemachandra, Gamini Pushpakumara. © 2021. 23 pages.
Present land use and tenure of a country is a result of the social norms and regulations. Land use manifests a country's priorities with implications on the economic...