Florin Pop

Florin Pop, PhD, is assistant professor of the Computer Science and Engineering Department of the University Politehnica of Bucharest. His research interests are oriented to: scheduling in Grid environments (his PhD research), distributed system, parallel computation, communication protocols and numerical methods. He received his PhD in Computer Science in 2008 with “Magna cum laudae” distinction. He is member of RoGrid consortium and participates in several research projects in these domains, in collaboration with other universities and research centers from Romania and from abroad developer (in the national projects like CNCSIS, GridMOSI, MedioGRID and international project like EGEE, SEE-GRID, EU-NCIT). He has received an IBM PhD Assistantship in 2006 (top ranked 1st in CEMA out from 17 awarded students) and a PhD Excellency grant from Oracle in 2006-2008.


Large-Scale Distributed Computing and Applications: Models and Trends
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop, Alexandru Costan. © 2010. 276 pages.
Many applications follow the distributed computing paradigm, in which parts of the application are executed on different network-interconnected computers. The extension of these...
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 22 pages.
The general presentation of Large Scale Distributed Computing and Applications can be done from different perspectives: historical, conceptual, architectural, technological...
Architectures for Large Scale Distributed Systems
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 24 pages.
This chapter introduces the macroscopic views on distributed systems’ components and their inter-relations. The importance of the architecture for understanding, designing...
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 28 pages.
Communication in large scale distributed systems has a major impact on the overall performance and widely acceptance of such systems. In this chapter we analyze existing work in...
Resource Management
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 16 pages.
The resource management is an important component in LSDS implemented for a variety of architectures and services. This chapter considers the management of distributed resources...
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 20 pages.
This chapter presents the scheduling problem in large scale distributed systems. Most parts of the chapter are devoted to discussion of scheduling algorithms and models. The main...
Data Storage, Retrieval and Management
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 30 pages.
The latest advances in network and distributedsystem technologies now allow integration of a vast variety of services with almost unlimited processing power, using large amounts...
Monitoring and Controlling Large Scale Systems
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 27 pages.
The architectural shift presented in the previous chapters towards high performance computers assembled from large numbers of commodity resources raises numerous design issues...
Fault Tolerance
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 26 pages.
The domains of usage of large scale distributed systems have been extending during the past years from scientific to commercial applications. Together with the extension of the...
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 23 pages.
Security in distributed systems is a combination of confidentiality, integrity and availability of their components. It mainly targets the communication channels between users...
Application Development Tools and Frameworks
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 18 pages.
Large scale distributed systems are used for executing a wide variety of applications; while the first distributed applications were from the scientific area, today many of them...
Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan, Florin Pop. © 2010. 18 pages.
This chapter covers the subject of application in LSDS. The chapter is organized in two parts. The chapter parts present two aspect of application in LSDS: the overview of...