Şeyma Eşki Çaylak

Şeyma Eşki Çaylak graduated from the Department of Public Administration at Selçuk University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in 2009. In 2011, she was appointed as a research assistant in the Department of Public Administration at Muş Alparslan University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. She completed her master's degree in 2014 with a thesis on Public Administration Ethics in the Department of Administrative Sciences at Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences. In 2022, she successfully completed her doctoral studies with a thesis titled “Implementation and Transformation of Performance Audit in the Government: 1996-2010 Court of Accounts Experience.” PhD Eşki Çaylak currently works as a Research Assistant at Muş Alparslan University. Her research interests are public administration reform, ethics, public financial management and auditing. She has published about Local Governments, Public personnel system, European Union, Türkiye-France Relations, SAI audit, Ethical practices, Accountability.


Global Energy Crises: Measures Taken and Policies Adopted in the Recent History
Emine Erden Kaya, Şeyma Eşki Çaylak. © 2024. 19 pages.
Recent events like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have disrupted the supply-demand balance and triggered a new energy crisis, impacting the world economy....