Erick González Caballero

Erick González Caballero received his PhD degree (2013) in technical science from the Technological University of Havana in Cuba, and his BS degree (1998) in Mathematics from the University of Havana. After graduating, he works as a scientist or teacher at various universities and research centers in Cuba. In 2011 he continued his teaching and scientific activities at the Technological University of Havana. He was a Postdoctoral Visitor (2016) at the University of Oviedo, Spain. His research interests include, decision-making under uncertainty, rough sets, fuzziness, image processing, expert systems, cooperative game theory, among others. He has published in important journals like “Group Decision and Negotiation”, “International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems”, and “Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems”, also in book chapters of Atlantis Press and Springer.


Introduction to the Finite NeutroGeometries: The Mixed Projective-Affine Geometry
Erick González Caballero. © 2023. 29 pages.
NeutroGeometries generalize geometries in the same way that NeutroAlgebras generalize universal and partial algebras. NeutroGeometry is not one kind of classical geometry, but it...
“NeutroGeometry Laboratory”: The New Software Dedicated to Finite NeutroGeometries
Erick González Caballero. © 2023. 25 pages.
Mixed projective-affine-hyperbolic (MPAH) planes belong to both the branches of NeutroGeometries and mixed or Smarandache geometries. This kind of plane is a geometric structure...
A Constructive Introduction to Finite Mixed Projective-Affine-Hyperbolic Planes
Erick González Caballero. © 2023. 31 pages.
NeutroGeometry is the axiomatic approach to geometry from the neutrosophic theory. Neutrosophy is the branch of philosophy that studies neutrality. NeutroGeometry is a geometric...
New Software for Assessing Learning Skills in Education According to Models Based on Soft Sets, Grey Numbers, and Neutrosophic Numbers
Erick González Caballero, Said Broumi. © 2023. 19 pages.
One of the components of the educational teaching process is evaluation. The teacher evaluates the students at different moments of the course, to control that they adequately...
Theoretical Study of the NeutroAlgebra Generated by the Combining Function in Prospector and Some Pedagogical Notes
Noel Batista Hernández, Erick González Caballero, Lilia Esther Valencia Cruzaty, Wilmer Ortega Chávez, Carmen Flor Padilla Huarac, Selene Luz Chijchiapaza Chamorro. © 2022. 25 pages.
NeutroAlgebras consist of algebras containing at least one NeutroAxiom. In the literature, there is a method for decision-making in a migrational situation that uses a...
NeutroGroups Generated by Uninorms: A Theoretical Approach
Erick González Caballero, Maikel Leyva, Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo, Noel Batista Hernández. © 2022. 25 pages.
NeutroAlgebras and particularly NeutroGroups are novel algebraic structures where at least one of the classical axioms is satisfied by not all the elements of the set. In the...