Elyor Berdimurodov

BerdimurodovElyor is Associated Professor at National University of Uzbekistan, he investigating the supramolecular, natural, new, powerful corrosion inhibitors. My research areas are organic chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, MD simulation, quantum chemistry, electrochemistry.


Novel Bio-Based Green and Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors: Development, Characterization, and Corrosion Inhibition Applications
Mohamed Rbaa, Mouhsine Galai, Elyor Berdimurodov, Burak Tüzün, Mohamed Ebn Touhami, Abdelkader Zarrouk, Brahim Lakhrissi, Amr Elgendy. © 2023. 19 pages.
Development of non-toxic and sustainable corrosion inhibitors is greatly needed, in view of these several forms of green corrosion inhibitors natural Chitosan oligosaccharide...
Pharmaceutical Drugs as Prominent Corrosion Inhibitors
Berdimurodov Elyor, Eliboev Ilyos, Abduvali Kholikov, Khamdam Akbarov, Dakeshwar Kumar Verma, Mohamed Rbaa, Omar Dagdag, Berdimuradov Khasan. © 2023. 22 pages.
Corrosion of metals is a large problem in the gas-oil, petrochemical, metallurgy, automobile, and electronic industries. To protect metals from corrosion destruction, corrosion...