Elpis V. Pavlidou

Elpis Pavlidou is an educational neuroscientist in the making who studied Psychology in Greece, went to Scotland to continue studying, and decided to move to the USA to chase her academic ‘American Dream’ and she is now based in England. In 2010, she received her PhD, funded by the Greek State Scholarships, from The University of Edinburgh where she continued to work for 2 years as a research assistant in Moray House School of Education. In 2012, the European Commission funded her post-doc research work for 3 years via the Marie Sklodowska-Curie International Outgoing Fellowships scheme, part of which she spent at Haskins Laboratories, Yale University. Currently she is a Senior Lecturer in the Psychology in Education Programme. She is also affiliated with Haskins Laboratories (Yale University) and the Rudolf Berlin Centre (Amsterdam).


Investigating Developmental Dyslexia Through Implicit Artificial Grammar Learning: Insights for Intervention Strategies
Vasiliki Folia, Afroditi Malisiova, Susana Silva, Elpis V. Pavlidou. © 2023. 16 pages.
The exact relationship between implicit sequence learning and developmental dyslexia continues to be a topic of debate, limiting potential advancements in educational...