Elizabeth-Guadalupe Rojas-Estrada

Elizabeth-Guadalupe Rojas-Estrada is a scholarship recipient from the National Council of Humanities, Science, and Technology (Conacyt-Mexico). Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in the Inter-University Doctoral Communication Program at the University of Huelva (UHU). She holds a Master's Degree in Communication from the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (Chile) and a Bachelor’s in Communication from the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla (Mexico). She is a member of the Ágora research group (UHU) and serves as the President of the Alfamed Young Network, an organization dedicated to promoting media and information literacy. Her research interests include the analysis of media competence presence in the curriculum and public policies associated with fostering digital citizenship.


Sexual (Mis)information: Pornography and Adolescence in the Digital Space
Elizabeth-Guadalupe Rojas-Estrada, Arantxa Vizcaíno-Verdú, Mónica Bonilla-del-Río. © 2024. 20 pages.
The escalating prevalence of pornography consumption among the youth has raised significant concern within the scientific community. This study aims to systematically examine...