Elizabete Cristina Costa-Renders

Elizabete Cristina Costa-Renders is Brazilian. She is trained in education and works as a university professor since 2001. She has a PhD in education from the State University of Campinas / UNICAMP (2012). Since 2016, she is a Professor at the [Post]Graduate Program in Education at the University of São Caetano do Sul (São Paulo, Brazil). She is the leader of the group of studies - ACESSI (school accessibility and inclusive society). In her research, she highlights the following topics: inclusive education, universal design for learning, teachers training and emerging epistemologies. Hear research is accessible at:


The Universal Design for Learning in the Context of Brazilian Education: Challenges and Possibilities for Inclusive Education
Elizabete Cristina Costa-Renders. © 2023. 15 pages.
The topic discussed in this chapter is teacher professional development committed to inclusive education. The text presents partial results of a research on the application of...