Elena Grigorievna Cheremnykh

Elena Cheremnykh , Ph.D., Senior Researcher, lab. Biochemistry FSBI Scientific Center for Mental Health. The author of the method and instrument for assessing toxicity according to the reactions of the protozoa - Paramecium caudatum and Tetrahymena pyriformis. The Biolat device is used in agriculture to assess feed toxicity. Scientific interests — toxicology of compounds with antiprotozoal activity, human and animal blood complement system, automation of biological research.


Biodiagnostic Methods in Environmental Chemistry
Vyacheslav Olegovich Shvydkiy, Sergey Olegovich Travin, Elena Valentinovna Shtamm, Elena Grigorievna Cheremnykh, Ludmila Vasilievna Semenyak. © 2023. 16 pages.
As human civilization develops, environmental problems arise more and more often. All forms of the environment are consistently exposed to pollution: water, air, and soil. In the...