Edlira Martiri

Edlira Martiri graduated from the University of Tirana's Faculty of Natural Sciences with a bachelor's and a master's degree in “Computer Science.” Since her early years in academia, her research interests have focused on information security. She is an associate professor and holds a double doctorate degree from UT (2016) and NTNU Norway (2022). Since January 2014, she has served as a national contact point at the European Association of Biometrics ( ) for Albania. Being always enthusiastic about secure technologies, her research interest is focused on secure-by-design systems. She has participated in various projects in different international setups, such as H2020, FP7, COST actions, etc. Finally, she is an active member of the IT community, a team builder, consultant, and mentor, always trying to bridge the gap between academia and the IT industry.


Synthetic Data Generation: Methods, Applications, and Multidisciplinary Use Cases
Edlira Martiri. © 2024. 21 pages.
This chapter offers a comprehensive examination of contemporary practices in synthetic data generation. Its primary objective is to analyze and synthesize the methodologies...