Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa

Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, PhD, is Professor - Researcher since 2009 on Division of Postgraduate Studies and Research of the Superior School of Commerce and Administration (ESCA) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Mexico City. In his position conducts research projects focused on the management and development of education in educational programs at senior level. He teaches courses Methodological Seminar I, II, III and Statistics for Educational Research to Master's and Research Seminars I, II and III as well as Research Visits I, II, III and IV to PhD level. Dr. Cardoso earned his doctorate at the IPN. He has a master of science in management and development of education in the ESCA-IPN. His research includes evaluation of educational programs and executive education. He belongs to the National System of Researchers with the level I distinction in the Conacyt of Mexico. He has directed several research projects in the area of educational management. He has conducted thesis addresses at the master's and doctoral level in the educational area.


Promoting Quality Hybrid Learning Through Leadership and Educational Management
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2024. 264 pages.
The confluence of transformative global events, including a pandemic, the repercussions of climate change through extreme weather, and widespread political instability has jolted...
Trends in Educational Leadership Training in the New Normal
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Claudia Mirla Padilla Cruz. © 2024. 20 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to characterize the trends in the training of educational leadership in order to promote quality educational management in institutions. The...
Innovative Active Methodologies That Promote Learning in Postgraduate Students in the 21st Century: Project-Based Learning and Flipped Classroom
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, María Elena Zepeda Hurtado, Jésica Alhelí Cortés Ruiz. © 2023. 17 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to propose the incorporation of active methodologies for the development of the competencies of postgraduate students in order to promote quality...
Developing Mathematical Literacy in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2021. 236 pages.
In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a world of continuous alterations is glimpsed where science and technology are at the base of economic competitiveness and...
Impact of Mathematics School Performance at Middle School for Academic Institutional Management Based on the Checkland Methodology
Joel García Mendoza, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Jorge Mejía Bricaire, Fernando Briseño Hurtado. © 2021. 21 pages.
Currently the development of countries has acquired importance as a result of the process of economic globalization, which has established various challenges to the economic...
The Training of the Digital Competence at the Postgraduate Level for a Knowledge-Based Economy
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Jésica Alhelí Cortés Ruiz, María Trinidad Cerecedo Mercado. © 2021. 18 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to describe the main digital competences to be developed at the postgraduate level based on the characteristics established by the knowledge...
Valuing Intellectual Capital at the Postgraduate Level in Higher Education Institutions
Mayra Alejandra Vargas Londoño, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2021. 11 pages.
Knowledge management has become an essential part of today's society. Since organizations and society in general are starting to realize the importance of knowledge for the...
The Development of the Management Competences at the Postgraduate Level in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2021. 13 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to describe the main managerial competences to be formed at the graduate level, according to the characteristics established in the context of the...
Distance Education in Times of COVID-19 in Mexico: The Case of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional at the Postgraduate Level
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, María Elena Zepeda Hurtado, Jésica Alhelí Cortés Ruiz. © 2021. 20 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to assess distance education in times of COVID-19 through the implementation of the Virtual Plan for Academic Continuity of the Instituto...
Management Training Programs in Higher Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2020. 127 pages.
Under the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is important that organizations recruit and retain managers with skills that allow them to focus on meeting strategic objectives. To...
The Development of the Management Competences at the Postgraduate Level in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2020. 17 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to describe the main managerial competences to be formed at the graduate level, according to the characteristics established in the context of the...
Assessment of Learning Experiences in the Mathematics Subject Based on an E-Assessment System: Case – Postgraduate in Senior Management in Online Mode
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2019. 19 pages.
The objective of the research was to assess the learning experiences of the online modality of the postgraduate student in senior management in the subject of mathematics from...
The Reconfiguration of Human Capital in Organizations: The Relevant Competences in the Digital Natives in the Postgraduate Level
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2019. 16 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to describe the main competences to be developed in digital natives at the postgraduate level, based on the characteristics generated by...
The Formation of Intellectual Capital and Its Ability to Transform Higher Education Institutions and the Knowledge Society
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2019. 312 pages.
The knowledge society arises from the combination of four interdependent elements: the production of knowledge through research, its transmission through education, its...
Human, Relational, and Structural Capital as Strategic Objectives in Higher Education
Jésica Alhelí Cortés Ruiz, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Rosa María Rivas García. © 2019. 24 pages.
This chapter will focus on the characterization of human, relational, and structural capital, as well as the importance of establishing them as strategic objectives in higher...
Proposal of Indicators for Intellectual Capital in Higher Education
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2019. 15 pages.
The objective of the chapter is to provide a proposal of indicators of intellectual capital in higher education for the organizations that comprise it. The importance of valuing...
Assessment of Competence Research and Innovation in Higher Education: The Case of Graduates in Postgraduate Studies in Administration
Rebeca Flores León, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Mayra Alejandra Vargas Londoño. © 2017. 16 pages.
The research's main objective was to assess the levels of development of innovation and research skills of the graduates of graduate programs in administration. The previous...
Systemic Knowledge-Based Assessment of Higher Education Programs
Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2016. 264 pages.
The true success of a nation can be measured by its ability to create, disseminate, and utilize knowledge through education. A quality education instills in students the...
The Influence of the Labor Sector in Knowledge Management: The Case of Graduate in Business Administration for Sustainability
Leticia Refugio Chavarria, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2016. 9 pages.
Institutions of higher education in Mexico, play a role in human development systems, since they are the generators of academic and professional knowledge and skills to meet the...
Evaluation and Identification of Professional Tourism Educational and Training Competences
Rosa María Rivas García, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa. © 2016. 17 pages.
This chapter deals with the evaluation and identification of professional tourism educational and training competences with the purpose of recognizing the main characteristics of...
Evaluation of the Educational Opportunities of Middle High School Graduates
Fernando Briseño Hurtado, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Joel García Mendoza, Jorge Mejía Bricaire. © 2016. 16 pages.
The education enables individuals to add value to the economy, contributing to the cultural heritage, participate in society, improve health, protect the environment and increase...
Impact of Mathematics School Performance at Middle School for Academic Institutional Management Based on the Checkland Methodology
Joel García Mendoza, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Jorge Mejía Bricaire, Fernando Briseño Hurtado. © 2016. 21 pages.
Currently the development of countries has acquired importance as a result of the process of economic globalization, which has established various challenges to the economic...
Evaluation of the Management of Second Language Study Development Program at Secondary School in Mexico
Jorge Mejía Bricaire, Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Fernando Briseño Hurtado, Joel García Mendoza. © 2016. 14 pages.
It is currently determining programmes of teaching of foreign language especially in Latin American countries, to go in line with quality policies demanded by international...