Edar da Silva Añaña

Edar Añaña has a Ph.D. in Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008) ( ), with a sandwich internship at the Institute for Tourism and Leisure at the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna, Austria (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien). D.Sc. Equivalent from the University of Porto (Portugal), granted through public recognition of the Ph.D. title awarded by UFRGS, in accordance with Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of the Portuguese Republic. Master's in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2001), and Bachelor's in Business Administration from the University of the Campanha Region (1986). Postdoctoral research in Tourism and Hospitality at PPGTH / UNIVALI (Brazil) and Postdoctoral research in Marketing at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (Portugal) (2021). Currently a Permanent Professor in the Master's in Administration at FURG (Brazil) and an Invited Professor at PPGTH / UNIVALI (Brazil).


The Effects of Consumer-Influencer Parasocial Interactions on Purchase Intentions
Giovanni Augusto Patrício, Edar da Silva Añaña, Fabrícia Durieux Zucco, Paulo Sérgio Reinert. © 2024. 22 pages.
This study explores the impact of digital influencers' recommendations on consumer purchase intentions. It posits that influencer credibility and the quality of the...
The Causes and Their Influencers in the Age of Digital Business: The Instagrammers' Influence in Shaping the Attitudes for and Against the Animal Products
Edar S. Añaña. © 2022. 16 pages.
This study evaluates the effect of Instrammers' recommendations pro and against the consumption of animal foods, on the attitude towards the animals' welfare, in light of...