Dheerdhwaj Barak

Dheerdhwaj Barak , Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak, Haryana, India.


Healthcare Performance in Predicting Type 2 Diabetes Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Khushwant Singh, Dheerdhwaj Barak. © 2024. 12 pages.
The body's imbalanced glucose consumption caused type 2 diabetes, which in turn caused problems with the immunological, neurological, and circulatory systems. Numerous...
Review of the Literature on Using Machine and Deep Learning Techniques to Improve IoT Security
Alex Khang, Yudhvir Singh, Dheerdhwaj Barak. © 2024. 28 pages.
The current work discusses the concept of the internet of things (IoT) and its implications on various domains, highlighting the challenges and security concerns associated with...
Finding Security Gaps and Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices
Khushwant Singh, Mohit Yadav, Yudhvir Singh, Dheerdhwaj Barak. © 2024. 17 pages.
The internet of things (IoT) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become important innovations, offering unparalleled connectivity and pervasive data access for a variety of...
Detection of Lung Cancers From CT Images Using a Deep CNN Architecture in Layers Through ML
Khushwant Singh, Yudhvir Singh, Dheerdhwaj Barak, Mohit Yadav. © 2023. 11 pages.
Lung inflammation is caused by the development of cancer cells. As the frequency of cancer rises, men and women are dying at a higher rate. With malignancy, cancerous cells...
Reliability Techniques in IoT Environments for the Healthcare Industry
Khushwant Singh, Mohit Yadav, Yudhvir Singh, Dheerdhwaj Barak. © 2023. 19 pages.
The internet of things is a powerful combination of wireless devices, radio-frequency identification, and numerous sensors that offer the challenging but powerful potential of...