Devendra Krishana Bhatt

Devendra Krishana Bhatt is a seasoned professional with 14 years’ experience in Sales, business building & client development for top travel multinationals. Expertise in Business Development, Corporate connect, Team Management, Possess Adroit communication, Interpersonal and people management skills. Currently working as Vice-president in Nesta group of companies, also undertaking his Ph.D in Tourism from Department of Tourism, Kumaun University Nainital.


Rural Tourism and Supply Chain: Features and Components and the Contribution Towards Sustainable Development Goals in the Indian Context
Swati Shah, Devendra Krishana Bhatt, Ashok Kumar. © 2024. 15 pages.
Rural tourism, increasingly recognized as a driver of economic growth in rural areas, acts as a catalyst for local development and sustainability. The purpose of this study is to...