Denis Vavougios

Denis Vavougios holds a BSc in Physics, Physics Department, University of Patras (1982) & PhD in Theoretical Physics of the Physics Department Faculty of Sciences University of Patras, (1989). Professor of Physics and Science Education at the Physics Department of University of Thessaly. Research Interests: Theoretical Physics, Science Education (Experimental Science Teaching, Science Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Teaching Science, ICT in Science Education).


Differentiated Teaching Practices of Physics in Inclusion Classes for Students With Learning Disabilities
Panagiotis F. Papalexopoulos, Vasia Karra, Theodoros Karakasidis, Denis Vavougios. © 2024. 17 pages.
In this chapter the authors present the educational framework that they believe the lower secondary school teacher of an inclusion class in Greece should know in order to help...