Deborah D. Sellnow-Richmond

Deborah Sellnow-Richmond is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville where she teaches courses in public relations and organizational communication. She researches the efficacy and unforeseen effects of public relations messages in health and organizational crisis context, and the emerging role of social media in creating and resolving organizational crises. She holds a Ph.D. in communication from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, a master’s degree in Public Service from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota.


Facing Mega-Crises in the Global Era of AI: The Role of Communication Education
Marta Natalia Lukacovic, Deborah D. Sellnow-Richmond. © 2024. 21 pages.
Communication discipline, including communication courses in higher education, must aptly respond to the demands emerging due to the rapid developments in the AI technologies and...