Davida Finger

Davida Finger is the René August and Mary Jane Pastorek Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Gillis Long Poverty Law Center at Loyola New Orleans College of Law. She has taught the Community Justice section of the Law Clinic, the externship course, and the Law & Poverty course. Davida and her clinic students represent clients in cases on landlord-tenant, post-disaster housing, housing discrimination, and other civil rights matters. In addition to litigating cases, Davida strives to provide support and collaboration on community advocacy for anti-poverty and justice initiatives.


When Extraordinary Circumstances Call for Mutual Aid: The Arrival of Afghan Academics in the U.S.
Stephen A. Rosenbaum, Davida Finger, Negina Khalili, Ghazi Hashimi. © 2024. 25 pages.
In this chapter, the authors use the narrative essay as a device for providing insight into the experiences of legal scholars, with a spotlight on the personal journeys of two...