Danielle Spratt

Danielle Spratt is an associate professor of eighteenth-century British and transnational literature and Director of Faculty Engagement and Service Learning in the Office of Community Engagement at California State University, Northridge. Her areas of interest include the literature of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth centuries (specifically 1620-1830), the history of science and medicine, the rise of the novel, print ephemera, feminist and gender theory, public and digital humanities, digital accessibility, experiential and service learning pedagogies, and theories of social justice. She is the current adviser for the English MA program, faculty adviser for the Eighteenth-Century Scriveners, and a member of CSUN's Center for Digital Humanities. Between MA and PhD programs, she was an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer. With Bridget Draxler, she is the author of (University of Iowa Press's Humanities and Public Life Series).


Using the Psycho-Sociocultural Framework to Create a Campus Climate That Acknowledges and Supports the Role of Basic Needs in Student Success
Nelida Duran, Kristin King, Rosalia Garcia-Torres, Danielle Spratt, Mirna Sawyer, Armando Duran. © 2023. 20 pages.
Across Hispanic-serving institutions and minority-serving institutions, efforts to increase student retention and degree completion, especially among first generation and...