Daniela Lopez De Luise

Daniela Lopez De LuiseDaniela Lopez De Luise graduated in System Analysis and in Public communication of Science and Technology. Eng. in Computer Science, Expert System Eng. specialization, doctor in Computer Science. Current research interests are in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Intelligent reasoning, Chatter-bots, Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets, Harmonics Systems and Time mining, Video-Games/Gamification for educational purposes, and Automatic Reasoning. Theories created: Morphosyntactic Linguistic Wavelets (MLW) for automatic semantic by a wavelet-wise decomposition, Harmonics Systems (HS) for a lightweight time prediction approach, Bacterial consciousness (BC), and Currently working on Caos & Language Theory (CLT), to produce and process Natural Language in Spanish Dialogs Current activity: CETI coordination at National Acedemy of Sciences in Buenos Aires (Since 2019), coordinator outreach of de Scientific Society of Argentina, Director of Specialization for Software Quality Assurance Management. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (UADER), Director of/researcher in CI2S Lab (since June 2013), Founder of the local branch and leading member of IEEE CIS Game Technical Committee (Since 2015), Director of IDTI Lab (since March 2017) at University UADER, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Undergraduate and graduate teacher of Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (UADER), National Technological University (UTN), National University of Cuyo (UNCU), Open Interamerican university (UAI), and Cuenca del Plata University (UCP).Member of GIBD research center @ UTN(since 2019), Member of CAETI research center @ UAI University (since 2013) and director of several projects there. Consultant in Intelligent Systems (Computational Intelligence), soft computing (Since 1997) Member of IEEE WCI (Woman in Computational Intelligence) and leader of Argentina branch since 2015.


Metrics for Project Management Methodologies Elicitation
Patricia R. Cristaldo, Daniela Lopez De Luise, Lucas La Pietra. © 2023. 26 pages.
This chapter presents an overview of the project management field, and a set of metrics useful to evaluate the goodness of different project management methodologies considering...
Entropy, Chaos, and Language
Daniela Lopez De Luise. © 2022. 40 pages.
Natural language is a rich source of information, with a complex structure and a kaleidoscope of contents. This arises from the flexibility that living languages exhibit in order...