Daniel Douglas Foster

Daniel Foster earned undergraduate degrees in Agricultural Technology Management and Agricultural Education at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. He earned a Masters in Human Community Resource Development and a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Extension Education at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. He taught secondary agriculture in Willcox, Arizona where he facilitated the exponential growth of the program enrollment and the building of a new agriscience education facility. Dr. Foster is currently an Associate Professor of Agricultural Education a The Pennsylvania State University in University Park, PA where he contributes to the agricultural teacher education programming. He is co-founder of the Global Teach Ag Network and his research agenda focuses on exploring educator professional development around global learning in agriculture. He is also a professional parliamentarian and is active in many professional organizations related to teaching and learning, agriculture and parliamentary procedure.


Global Learning in Agriculture: Cultivating Global Competency in Agricultural Educators and Global Impact in Agricultural Education
Daniel Douglas Foster, Laura L. Rice, Melanie Joy Miller Foster. © 2024. 33 pages.
Agricultural education is crucial for addressing global sustainability challenges and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The authors highlight the...
Advancing Sustainable Development Through Teacher Professional Development
Melanie J. Miller Foster, Daniel D. Foster. © 2023. 25 pages.
Teachers are at the heart of education systems because they directly interact with and influence learners in communities around the world. Teachers should be supported through...