Dalal Aloumi

Dalal Aloumi is an Assistant Professor at the Arab-Open University, Kuwait branch. She holds a PhD degree from the University of Glasgow, where she specialized in the field of finance. With her strong educational background and expertise, Dr. Aloumi brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. Her research interests primarily revolve around corporate finance, fintech, risk management, and Islamic finance. Dr. Aloumi is dedicated to advancing scholarly research and contributing to the academic community through her teaching and publications. Her commitment to excellence in education and research makes her a highly respected and influential figure.


Factors Influencing Consumer Interactions With FinTech Services
Dalal Aloumi, Sawsan Malik, Afnan Alkhaldi, Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos. © 2024. 20 pages.
Factors influencing consumer interactions with financial technology (FinTech) services, and obstacles experienced by consumers that limit their use, are reviewed. The influence...