Cynthia Anbuselvi Thangaraj

T. Cynthia Anbuselvi obtained her B.E. degree from Kamaraj college of engineering and technology, M.E. degree from Thiagarajar college of Engineering, and PhD (Full time) from Anna University in 2009, 2011 and 2020 respectively. She is currently working as Assistant Professor in S.E.A College of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore. She has published papers in reputed SCI Indexed journals with high impact factor. She has published papers in the national and international conferences. Reviewer in SCI Indexed journals. Her research interest includes Wireless Communication, Machine Learing, Cognitive Radio Networks and Smart Grid.


Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Thrust Manufacturing: Enhancing Precision and Efficiency
P. Ramkumar, P. Hosanna Princye, D. Satishkumar, A. Ahila, Cynthia Anbuselvi Thangaraj. © 2024. 8 pages.
Dive deep into the many ways AI is revolutionizing thrust manufacturing in the aerospace sector with this in-depth study piece. Many parts of production are being rethought by...