Claudia Grünberg

Claudia Grünberg studied Cultural Studies at Viadrina University Frankfurt (Oder) and World Heritage Studies at the Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany. She worked for the World Heritage Coordination Office in Saxony from 2015-2017, developing and implementing the communication and education strategies for World Heritage to a wider public in Saxony. Since 2017, she is academic assistant and deputy director of the Institute Heritage Studies, headed by Prof. Dr. Marie-Theres Albert. Her interests lie in World Heritage and education. In this context, she develops and leads innovative educational projects at World Heritage sites with a focus on Education for Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship Education and transformative education.


World Heritage Education and the Postdigital Age: Considerations for Reflexive Practice
Claudia Grünberg, Klaus Christian Zehbe. © 2023. 18 pages.
The chapter problematizes the frequent lack of a genuinely global perspective in educational approaches at World Heritage sites, manifesting in limitations of educational...