Christian Paulina Mendoza Torres

Christian Mendoza Torres is a PhD in Management, specializing in Organizational Development. Member of several Research Networks and Scientific Editorial Committees in Latin America. Research Coordinator of the Radar Network in Latin America. Co-author of the McGraw-Hill books: “Research Methodology for High School” (two editions), “Fundamentals of Research Methodology” and “Research Methodology: Las Rutas Cuantitativa, Cualitativa y Mixta”, as well as of the Online Resource Center of those works, in collaboration with Hernández-Sampieri. She has published several book chapters, articles and scientific works in the areas of SME Management, Marketing and Education. She currently works as a professor of research methodology at undergraduate and graduate levels in various institutions of higher education, as well as a consultant for research projects for private and public companies. Honoris Causa from the Universidad Autónoma de Ica.


Social Responsibility in Universities in the Laja-Bajío Region, Guanajuato, Mexico
Ma. Lucila Aguilar Zacarías, Roberto Hernández Sampieri, Christian Paulina Mendoza Torres. © 2024. 29 pages.
This research addresses the issue of social responsibility in higher education institutions in the Laja-Bajío region of the State of Guanajuato, Mexico, from the perspective of...