Carlos F. Lahoz

Carlos Lahoz , born in Madrid in 1976, received his degree in Architecture and Urbanism by the ETSAM (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid) in 2002. In 2015 he obtains a Ph. D. in Architecture from the Universidad San Pablo CEU with the thesis Towards the Conscious Space. The Influence of New Communication Technologies on the Sociability in Public Space. In terms of his academic life, he develops a research and teaching activity as a faculty of the School of Architecture at the Universidad San Pablo CEU in Madrid, the Universidad de Salamanca and the Politecnico di Milano, institutions where he imparts lectures in the fields of Urbanism, Landscape and Territorial and Metropolitan Planning. He is also the director of the Smart Cities Laboratory of the Universidad San Pablo CEU. In parallel to his academic work, after several years of work experience in international architectural firms such as Foster and Partners, in 2006 he joined Taller de Ideas as a partner where he has accomplished a variety architectural and urban projects in Spain, Europe, North of Africa and the Middle East. Additionally, in 2010 he founded URBAN NETWORKS with the mission of promoting the creative transformation of cities and territories. In recent years, his career, both in the field of urban planning and architecture, has been very focused on the field of sports, health and quality of life, with special dedication to the design of active cities. Carlos Lahoz, in the past, has been director of Design LAAB (Laboratory of Advanced Architecture and Bioclimatism) of the Fundación Metropoli and of the Madrid Think Tank, a joint initiative of the COAM (the Madrid Association of Architects), the City Council and the Regional Government. having been Vice Dean of the COAM from 2015 to 2019. He has also been part of the jury of numerous competitions in Architecture and Urbanism and has participated in congresses and conferences in different forums. Currently, Carlos Lahoz is also Trustee of the Fundación Arquitectura.


Hamburg at the Forefront of the Active Cities
Carlos F. Lahoz, José Antonio Blasco. © 2023. 24 pages.
A sedentary lifestyle is a global and complex problem that, nevertheless, finds a very natural solution: movement. However, promoting physical activity among the population is...