Breixo Martins Rodal

Breixo Martins Rodal graduated in Geography and Spatial Planning in 2013 from the University of Santiago de Compostela. He completed a master's degree and a PhD at the same university in 2019. He has worked in intellectual disability associations, in the Centre for Euroregional Studies where he was Project Coordinator of several international research projects. He is currently a researcher at the University of Vigo and his last publication has been in the Springer publishing house (Patiño et al, 2023). ORCID: 0009-0001-5811-8357


University Training in Tourism for People With Intellectual Disabilities From an EDI Perspective as an Engine for Inclusion: The Case of Spain
Breixo Martins Rodal, María Isabel Doval Ruiz, Ángel Rodríguez-Pallas. © 2024. 16 pages.
This research analyses the structure of university training offerings for individuals with intellectual disabilities within the Spanish university system. The Spanish territory...