Boštjan Šumak

Boštjan Šumak , PhD, is an associate professor and researcher in computer science at the University of Maribor. He has accumulated more than 23 years of experience in research and pedagogical work in several undergraduate and graduate courses of different study programs at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He prepared and delivered several seminars and workshops in software engineering, object-oriented design and development and contemporary web technologies. He has published many papers in computer science, information systems, technology acceptance, and e-learning in several prominent peer-reviewed scientific journals with impact factors. He is a guest editor of special issues at Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220). His research interests include human-computer interaction, quality user experience (UX), intelligent user interfaces (IUI), accessibility, accessible UX, inclusive UX, etc.


Empirical Insights Into Web Accessibility in the Health Domain
Katja Kous, Boštjan Šumak, Maja Pušnik. © 2024. 16 pages.
Web accessibility, crucial for ensuring equitable access to online information for users with diverse needs, is an essential aspect of website quality. This chapter provides...