Borra Sivaiah

Borra Sivaiah , Associate professor of the Department CSE in CMR College of Engineering & Technology and. He has completed B. Tech (CSE), M. Tech (CSE) from JNTU, Hyderabad and pursuing his Ph.D. (CSE) in Data Mining and Big Data from JNTUK, Kakinada, AndraPradesh State, India. He has published more than 10 papers in International, National Journals and conferences with few patents. He is an eminent academician and has more than 19 years of experience in teaching and administration. He certified in Data Science and Big Data analytics by DELL EMC.


Quality and Performance Measures in Healthcare Systems Using Fog Computing
Riyam Patel, Aditi Acharjya, Punyaban Patel, Borra Sivaiah, Bibhudatta Sahoo. © 2023. 26 pages.
Health care organisations must now understand the problems of assessing health care quality and establishing programmes to improve it. The literature covers quality and...