Boniface Michael

Boniface Michael , PhD, is a Professor of Management and Organizations in the College of Business at California State University, Sacramento. He is the Co-Editor for the Journal of International Education in Business and serves on the Editorial Board for Management and Research Review. He has also served on the Carlsen Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s Board and two-terms on Sac State’s Faculty Senate. He earned his PhD in Industrial Relations and Human Resources from the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University, USA. He also has an MBA from FORE School of Management and an undergraduate degree in Economics from Hindu College, University of Delhi, India. Dr. Michael researches and teaches organizational change with a focus on collaboration, founder’s values and its association with employees’ commitment patterns, knowledge management and solutions-oriented organizational performance including IBM’s and J&J’s values. He has published peer-reviewed articles on value change and formation, interest-based negotiation, matching instructional modalities to explicit knowledge characteristics, learning and memory using quantitative and qualitative methods. At the graduate level, he teaches managing in high performance work organizations, organizational design, leadership, change and comparative international management. At the undergraduate level, he teaches organizational behavior, human resource management and conflict management. He also consults, advices executive MBA students, has special projects and runs focus groups on high-performance solutions organizations, organizational design, leadership, change, ethics and interest-based negotiations. Dr. Michael has worked as a human resource (HR) head in international joint ventures and acquisitions of design and development centers in India in Electronic Design Verification (IKOS), Geographic Information Systems (Risk Management Software) and Information Technology (Cofuture) and as a HR Manager in Consumer Durables (Whirlpool). He has worked in the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and taught economics and statistics, and coached soccer at Lawrence School, Sanawar, and also setup his own HR recruitment and consulting services business.


Management Model for Building Trust and Upskilling the Workforce
B. D. Sharma, Rajni Sharma, Rashmi Michael, Boniface Michael. © 2024. 323 pages.
How are organizations expected to foster innovation and expertise among employees when they lack trust and collaboration between their management and staff? This common problem...