Bitan Roy

Bitan Roy is working as a Technical Assistant in Computational Science Department at Brainware University.


Evaluating the Long-Term Impact of VR in Education
Sreelekha Paul, Sanchita Ghosh, Bitan Roy, Saptarshi Kumar Sarkar. © 2025. 20 pages.
Virtual reality (VR) can completely transform traditional teaching techniques, as this chapter explores its long-term effects in education. It draws attention to the short-term...
Exploring Future Trends and Technologies in the Digitization of Renewable Energy and Environment
Sreelekha Paul, Bitan Roy, Sanchita Ghosh, Saptarshi Kumar Sarkar. © 2025. 26 pages.
Like every other sector in the world, digitization has introduced a new form of management, utilization, and even protection of our energies and environments. New technologies...
Role of Libraries in Promoting Digital Literacy and Information Fluency
Sanchita Ghosh, Saptarshi Kumar Sarkar, Piyal Roy, Bitan Roy, Amitava Podder. © 2025. 32 pages.
Libraries are vital in promoting digital literacy and information fluency in the digital era. They offer access to digital resources, equipping individuals with skills like...
Challenges and Barriers to Integrating AI in Library Environments
Sanchita Ghosh, Piyal Roy, Saptarshi Kumar Sarkar, Amitava Podder, Bitan Roy. © 2024. 30 pages.
Modern libraries involving AI present improved productivity, user experiences, and resource management. Responsible AI approaches are crucial because of ethical factors including...
Challenges and Innovations in Digital Twin Creation
Sanchita Ghosh, Saptarshi Kumar Sarkar, Bitan Roy, Sreelekha Paul. © 2024. 19 pages.
The concept of a “digital twin” is gaining traction across various sectors, involving replicating real-world items into software equivalents. This study explores the evolution of...