Bethel E. Cager

Bethel E. Cager holds the position of Professor of Practice for Educational Leadership within the Division of Education and Counseling at Xavier University of Louisiana. She is a veteran clinician of educational leadership. Her experiences cover elementary, middle, and high school levels and higher education. Dr. Cager holds school and district-level administrative certifications in the South and Midwest of the United States. Her research area of interest is culturally responsive leadership. She has designed a framework, The 5Rs of Responsive Leadership, to guide and support school and district-level administrators with their implementation of culturally responsive practices. Dr. Cager has authored and edited publications on culturally responsive leadership.


Culturally Responsive Leadership for Social Justice and Academic Equity for All
Bethel E. Cager, Jill Tussey, Leslie Haas, Monica Galloway Burke. © 2023. 330 pages.
The roles of school leaders are ever-expanding. Along with the increase comes heightened expectations to create and sustain school environments that embrace the cultures of all...
A Practitioner's Guide to Responsive School Leadership
Bethel E. Cager. © 2022. 25 pages.
This chapter examines the role of culturally responsive school leadership and how it supports culturally responsive literacy instruction. A progressive and comprehensive approach...