Beth Caruso

Beth Caruso is the Digital Pedagogy & Emerging Technologies Librarian in Area 49, Atkins Library’s collection of innovation spaces at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She provides consultation, support, instruction, and training to those using the makerspace, gaming lab, and visualization lab, and develops programs for outreach and engagement. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Master of Arts in English and a Graduate Certificate in Anti-Racism in Urban Education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of South Carolina.


Empowering Underrepresented Students: Designing Innovator Spaces as Sites of Justice, Peace, and Equity Within University Library Ecosystems
Beth Caruso. © 2023. 37 pages.
Higher education presents students with many opportunities for educational advancement, but not all encounter these opportunities equally. Academic organizations, rooted in...