Bernard Lim Jit Heng

Bernard Lim Jit Heng is a lecturer who teaches finance related subjects in University of Hertfordshire programme, has been with INTI since 2014 with a notion to further identify the best interests of his students while also working within INTI’s goals and standards. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Putra Business School and actively involved in research related to behavioral studies especially in finance and business related field.


Public Awareness and Intention in Organ Donation Through Mobile Applications: A Perspective From Malaysia
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Phuah Kit Teng, Bernard Lim Jit Heng. © 2023. 21 pages.
In response to combatting COVID-19 and to ease the traceability of immunization, the Mysejahtera mobile application has been rolled out nationwide in Malaysia by the Ministry of...