Berdimuradov Khasan

Khasan Berdimuradov is affiliated with the Faculty of Industrial Viticulture and Food Production Technology, Shahrisabz branch of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Shahrisabz, 181306, Uzbekistan. Berdimuradov Khasan works at Faculty of Industrial Viticulture and Food Production Technology, Shahrisabz branch of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Shahrisabz, 181306, Uzbekistan. His research is mainly focused on the synthesis and designing of heterocyclic organic compounds, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion protection technology and nanomaterials. He is the author of several research and review articles in peer-reviewed international journals of ACS, Elsevier, RSC, Wiley, Springer, etc. He received several national and international awards for his academic achievements.


Pharmaceutical Drugs as Prominent Corrosion Inhibitors
Berdimurodov Elyor, Eliboev Ilyos, Abduvali Kholikov, Khamdam Akbarov, Dakeshwar Kumar Verma, Mohamed Rbaa, Omar Dagdag, Berdimuradov Khasan. © 2023. 22 pages.
Corrosion of metals is a large problem in the gas-oil, petrochemical, metallurgy, automobile, and electronic industries. To protect metals from corrosion destruction, corrosion...