Benard Odoyo Okal

Benard Okal teaches linguistics and literature in Kiswahili at Maseno University, Kenya. He is a teacher with both face to face and virtual pedagogical skills. He supervises and examines both master and doctoral students of linguistics, literature, general education, and other social sciences. He is also a programme coordinator for School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS), and School of Development and Strategic Studies (SDSS) at both Kisumu Campus and e-Campus. Besides being a peer reviewer and editor, Okal is also a resource person for online course design, facilitation, assessment, and grading, and a researcher, author of book chapters, articles and prose works. He is currently researching on the under-resourced indigenous African languages.


The Application of Mathematical Formulas in Teaching Linguistics Among STEM Learners in Higher Learning Institutions
Benard Odoyo Okal. © 2024. 27 pages.
The chapter focuses on mathematical formulas used to teach linguistics aspects amongst STEM learners. Though mathematics is used in teaching sciences and technology-related...
Teaching and Assessment of Kenya's Indigenous Languages in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC): Challenges and Way Forward
Benard Odoyo Okal. © 2022. 19 pages.
The chapter focuses on sampled education commissions in Kenya that recommended teaching and learning indigenous languages and if clear policy framework existed for...