Belen Lopez

Belén López has a PhD in Communication and is a full-time professor and associate researcher at ESIC University, Spain. Her research areas are corporate social responsibility, sustainability and corporate communication. She publishes articles and chapters in highimpact scientific journals and books. She is associated with the Academy of International Business (AIB) and the Academy of Management (AoM). She is a researcher in the Brand Management and Integrated Communication group at Complutense University of Madrid, a research fellow at Bristol University, UK, and an associate professor at SISU, Shanghai International Studies University, China. She is also a Fellow of Advanced Higher Education, UK.


Sustainability and Wine Tourism: New Challenges and Opportunities for a More Conscious Consumer – The Case of Gramona Wineries
Belen Lopez, Adela Balderas-Cejudo. © 2023. 13 pages.
Conscious use of resources without exceeding renewal capacity is a global priority for business. Developing sustainable behavior is important for the wine industry recognizing...
The Meeting Place on Social Media for the Luxury Fashion Industry to Support and Strategically Communicate SDGs
Celia Rangel-Perez, Belén López. © 2022. 22 pages.
This chapter explores how the luxury firms communicate their commitments promoting sustainable development and evaluating how these firms create a dialogue in social media with...