Aziz Cumhur Kocalar

Aziz Cumhur Kocalar was born in İstanbul on 1966 (Turkey). His degrees: (Ph.D. / M.Sc. / B.Sc. / B.A). He has been working as an Associate Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (Turkey). He lectures urbanism, mainly human settlements, conservation, urban geography, rural sociology, transportation, GIS, spatial data mining since 2012 year in Niğde and Sivas (Turkey). He has been published more that 150 papers in respected journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. His publications were related with urbanism & urban studies subjects. Kocalar, A.C. (2009-2024). He is reviewer of several scientific journals, projects. He also worked as a specialist engineer for different public and private sectors during 28 years in the several projects. In 2009, He received his Urbanism Ph.D. degree in the Natural Science Institute of Mimar Sinan Fine Art University. In 1996, he double-graduated from the Business Administration (B.A.) of Anadolu University. In 1994, his master’s degree (M.Sc.) from Electrics-Electronics Faculty of Yıldız Techn.Uni. In 1987, he graduated (B.Sc.) from Electrics-Electronics Faculty -Istanbul Tech Uni.


The Role of the Nakchivan (Zangezur) Corridor in Transportation and Regional Development and Its International Economic Significance
Aziz Cumhur Kocalar, Hatice Dilaver. © 2024. 16 pages.
This work was written to investigate how the Zangezur Corridor is an important project that supports regional development and cooperation by creating a strategic connection point...