Arumugam Seetharaman

Arumugam Seetharaman is basically a Chartered Accountant with Doctorate in Cross Disciplinary functions of Management. After a successful career of turning a loss making public sector organization into profit in India, he joined School of Management, University Science Malaysia to teach post graduate and under graduate courses including DBA. After a remarkable career at USM, he took over Deanship of the Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia. There he got the accreditation of various under graduate and post graduate programmes (including DBA). The uniqueness of the Accounting Degree and DBA of MMU was well appreciated throughout Malaysia. When Dr. Seetha left MMU, the Faculty of Management of MMU, had got 10 under graduate degrees, MBA degree and DBA degree. Dr. Seetha was adjudged as the Best Faculty of Business and Management by MMU. It was the policy of Dr. Seetha to leave an organization when the performance makes him as the finest hour in his career in that organization. When he was in India, he was awarded by Business India magazine as “Unsung Hero of Co-optex”. He left that organization at that time. Similarly when he was at the helm of affairs at USM, Penang Malaysia, he left USM and joined MMU. In line with his policy when he was adjudged as the “Best Faculty of the Year”, he left MMU and joined S P Jain School of Global Management. At S P Jain he is the Dean of Academic Affairs, in charge of curriculum development, Accreditation of courses, and ranking of degrees. Currently, SP Jain is among the “Top 20 Best International Business Schools” as ranked by Forbes and “Top 100 Global MBA programs” as ranked by Financial Times. Dr. Seetha has more than 150 publications to his credit, including articles listed in ISI-indexed journals. His ambition is to publish 250 articles, mostly in ISI-indexed journals.


Adoption of Sustainability in Seaport Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Review
Satya Shiva Saswat, A. Seetharaman, K. Maddulety, Priti Bakhshi. © 2024. 12 pages.
The objective of the research is to analyse the sustainability measures that can be undertaken in the seaport infrastructures. The study is based on systematic literature review....
Blockchain Revolution in Education
Shankar Subramanian Subramanian, Amritha Subhayan Krishnan, Arumugam Seetharaman. © 2024. 35 pages.
Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize higher education by enabling the secure and efficient sharing of academic records, digital credentials, and other...