Anu Sohal

Anu Sohal is a research scholar in HPKVBS, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India. Her area of interest is mental well-being and contemporary issues in HRM.


Human Resource Management in the Metaverse Era: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Research Agenda
Sahil Sharma, Anu Sohal. © 2024. 17 pages.
The advent of the metaverse offers human resource management both new opportunities and challenges as digital technologies continue to progress. To examine the state of HRM...
Demystifying the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness: Focusing on Mental Health and Happiness
Meena Chaudhary, Nidhi Jaswal, Anu Sohal. © 2023. 21 pages.
The disruptive VUCA environment affects both the organizations as well as the leaders. To survive in this unruly environment, and to find new solutions to this problem...