António Silva Melo

António Melo , Professor at the School of Hospitality and Tourism, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, member of CiTUR - Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation and collaborating member of CIDTFF -Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers. His educational background includes a graduate degree in Hotel Management, a master’s degree in Management and PhD in Education. Antonio has more than 30 years of experience in practice of hospitality management and almost 20 years in academia. Currently, he is coordinating the Master Degree in Hospitality Management and in parallel, he also carries out research in the area of tourism, hospitality, gastronomy and education practices.


Handbook of Research on Innovation, Differentiation, and New Technologies in Tourism, Hotels, and Food Service
Gonçalo Poeta Fernandes, António Silva Melo. © 2023. 389 pages.
Tourism and hospitality are increasingly becoming more complex, having grown exponentially over the last decade. As the industry becomes more complex, new demands arise regarding...
Fostering Pedagogical Innovation in Tourism Education Through Experiential Learning: An Interdisciplinary Toolkit
Dr Sandra Vieira Vasconcelos, Carla Melo, António Melo. © 2023. 20 pages.
Due to its service-oriented nature, Tourism and Hospitality Education relies heavily on experimental learning (EL) approaches, that focus on real-word challenges and can...
(Re)acting to the COVID-19 Crisis in Hotels: The Perceptions of Portuguese Managers
António Melo, Sandra Vieira Vasconcelos, Carla Melo, Miguel Silva. © 2021. 24 pages.
Aiming to provide an overview of the hospitality sector in Portugal amid the COVID-19 pandemic, in this chapter, the authors call on hotel managers and their perceptions to...