António Rodrigues

António Rodrigues obtained a PhD in Management and Marketing at the University of Seville in Spain. He is currently a professor and researcher at the ISG-Business & Economics School (Lisbon, Portugal). He has teaching experience in undergraduate and master’s degrees in Aeronautical Management. He is the author of several opinion articles and scientific articles. Professionally, he has experience in the financial, marketing and general management areas. He is certified in Sustainable Finance (ESG Advisor) by EFPA The European Financial Planning Association.


Digitalization in the Public Management: Turkish Public Institutions Example
Salim Kurnaz, António Rodrigues, Osman Nuri Sunar. © 2024. 16 pages.
The digitalization process, which started with the effective use of computers, has become more effective with the use of developing technologies and mobile technologies. The...
Green Finance in the Airline Industry
António Rodrigues, Jorge Abrantes, Rui Quadros, Salim Kurnaz. © 2024. 13 pages.
The objective of this chapter is to analyze the main sustainability and green financing challenges for the airline sector. Qualitative research, based on a literature review and...
Portugália Airlines: The Case of the Turin Route
Rui Quadros, Jorge Abrantes, Ana Barqueira, Antonio Rodrigues. © 2023. 17 pages.
Of all the Portuguese private airlines that for many years competed with TAP Air Portugal (the Portuguese owned state airline) only Portugália Airlines (PGA) resisted the...
Business Continuity and Marketing as Challenges in the Post-COVID-19 Aviation Industry
António Rodrigues. © 2022. 13 pages.
The pandemic showed that any sector of economic activity should never underestimate the external environment, which in itself is an uncontrollable variable, thus leading...