Ankur Dumka

Ankur Dumka is working as Associate Professor and head of department in Women Institute of Technology, Dehradun. He is having more than 10 years of academic and industrial experience. He is having more than 60 research papers in reputed journals and conferences of repute. He contributed 4 books and 12 book chapters with reputed publisher. He is also associated with many reputed journals in the capacity of editorial board members and editor.


Methods, Techniques, and Application of Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Ankur Dumka, Vaibhav Chaudhari, Anil Kumar Bisht, Ruchira Rawat, Arnav Pandey. © 2024. 18 pages.
With advancement in machine learning, the use of machine learning has been increased, and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has emerged as an area of research and...
An Introduction to Principal Component Analysis and Its Applications
Vaibhav Chaudhari, Ankur Dumka. © 2023. 17 pages.
Huge datasets are progressively normal and are frequently hard to decipher. Principle component analysis (PCA) is used for reducing dimensions of huge datasets and thus used in...
A Meta-Analytical Review of Deep Learning Prediction Models for Big Data
Parag Verma, Vaibhav Chaudhari, Ankur Dumka, Raksh Pal Singh Gangwar. © 2023. 26 pages.
The article presents an introductory review of various approaches of deep learning including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep belief networks (DBNs), and auto-encoders...
Product Review-Based Customer Sentiment Analysis Using an Ensemble of mRMR and Forest Optimization Algorithm (FOA)
Parag Verma, Ankur Dumka, Anuj Bhardwaj, Alaknanda Ashok. © 2022. 21 pages.
This research presents a way of feature selection problem for classification of sentiments that use ensemble-based classifier. This includes a hybrid approach of minimum...
A Timeline Optimization Approach of Green Requirement Engineering Framework for Efficient Categorized Natural Language Documents in Non-Functional Requirements
K. Mahalakshmi, Udayakumar Allimuthu, L Jayakumar, Ankur Dumka. © 2021. 17 pages.
The system's functional requirements (FR) and non-functional requirements (NFR) are derived from the software requirements specification (SRS). The requirement specification...
Smart GIS-Based Water Information System
Ankur Dumka, Poonam Kainthura, Alaknanda Ashok. © 2021. 13 pages.
Water management is one of the important aspects and a matter of concern for the current world. Geographic Information System (GIS) is one of the important and effective tools...
Optimal Spectrum-Hole Detection Scheme for Cooperative CRN Using Dynamic Weighted VIKOR
Jayakumar Loganathan, S. Janakiraman, Ankur Dumka. © 2020. 24 pages.
In the future, the wireless network environment may suffer due to the unavailability of new spectrum bands. Cognitive radio research considers the current spectrum...
Impact Analysis of Temperature Data on the Increase in the Count of Infected Cases of COVID 19
Parag Verma, Ankur Dumka, Anuj Bhardwaj, Alaknanda Ashok, Mukesh Chandra Kestwal, Praveen Kumar. © 2020. 10 pages.
There was an outbreak of pneumonia in the month of December 2019 in Wuhan, China that spread with a rapid rate throughout the country and shook the world by spreading across the...
DUICM Deep Underwater Image Classification Mobdel using Convolutional Neural Networks
Manimaran Aridoss, Chandramohan Dhasarathan, Ankur Dumka, Jayakumar Loganathan. © 2020. 13 pages.
Classification of underwater images is a challenging task due to wavelength-dependent light propagation, absorption, and dispersion distort the visibility of images, which...
Energy Aware Dynamic Mode Decision for Cellular D2D Communications by Using Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model
Loganathan Jayakumar, Ankur Dumka, S. Janakiraman. © 2020. 21 pages.
Recent developments in mobile network communication increases the usage of the cellular users and their wideband data transfer. Sometimes, network operators may get overloaded...
Performance Analysis of DDoS Attack on SDN and Proposal of Cracking Agorithm
Ankur Dumka, Alaknanda Ashok, Parag Verma. © 2020. 12 pages.
The software-defined network (SDN) emerges as an updated technology that changes the scenario of networking where the network is managed by means of software. Any network is...
A New Bio-Inspired Algorithm Based on the Hunting Behavior of Cheetah
D. Saravanan, P. Victer Paul, S. Janakiraman, Ankur Dumka, L. Jayakumar. © 2020. 18 pages.
Soft computing is recognized as the fusion of methodologies mainly designed to model and formulate solutions to real-world problems that are too difficult to model...