Anjali Daisy

Anjali Daisy holds a Ph.D. degree in the field of Emotional Intelligence. She assessed and developed an Emotional Competence Inventory for IT employees in Tamil Nadu as the outcome of her research work. She has done her MBA in PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore. She secured University second position in B.Sc(Computer Science).She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Labour Law and Administrative Law(PGDLL). She conducted EI training programs for diversified working professionals. She has published research papers in SCOPUS and SSCI indexed journals and wrote book chapters as well. She has presented papers at International conferences. She is also a reviewer in IGI Global. She has completed certification courses in the areas of Mind control, Competency Mapping, Strategic Performance Management, Psychology and Teaching in higher education offered by international premier institutes viz the University of Michigan, the University of Toronto, Yale University, and the University of Washington. She is able to incorporate global teaching-learning pedagogies in the courses she handles.


Sentiment Mining: A Data-Driven Approach for Optimizing Digital Marketing Strategies
Anjali Daisy. © 2024. 18 pages.
With millions of users active on social media, businesses have the opportunity to reach a vast audience and gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior....
Ethnopsychology in the Digital Era: Culturally Diverse Psychology
Anjali Daisy. © 2023. 16 pages.
A determination of current and probably future issues is tendered to in four segments. The first area manages the inescapable discussion among relativistic and universalistic...
Artificial Intelligence: A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare Management
Anjali Daisy. © 2022. 9 pages.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually changing the practice of surgery with the advanced technological development of imaging, navigation, and robotic intervention. In this...
Assessing the Emotional Competencies of Information Technology Employees
Anjali Daisy. © 2022. 35 pages.
The information technology sector plays a critical role in driving the growth and innovation of a country and helps nations to sustain their national competitiveness. While the...
Conflict Management Models
Anjali Daisy. © 2020. 9 pages.
Conflict is endemic to all social life. It is an inevitable part of living because it is related to situations of scarce resources, division of functions, power relations, and...
Ontology Creation
Anjali Daisy. © 2020. 12 pages.
Neural networks are like the models of the brain and nervous system. It is highly parallel and processes information much more like the brain than a serial computer. It is very...
Knowledge Graph Generation
Anjali Daisy. © 2020. 7 pages.
Nowadays, as computer systems are expected to be intelligent, techniques that help modern applications to understand human languages are in much demand. Amongst all the...
Relationship Marketing Through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Anjali Daisy. © 2020. 12 pages.
Augmented reality (AR) refers to the layering of visual information onto a live picture of your physical surroundings, enhancing the real-world environment in real-time. Both...
Neuroscience in FPGA and Application in IoT
Anjali Daisy. © 2020. 11 pages.
Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary science that is focused with the study of the structure and function of the nervous system. It contains the evolution, development, cellular...
Challenges of E-Retailing Laws and Regulations in India: An Overview
C. Vijayabanu, Anjali Daisy. © 2018. 7 pages.
The revolution in the retailing industry has brought many changes and also opened doors for many Indian as well as foreign players. In a market like India, there is a constant...