Anastasia Vayona

Anastasia Vayona is Postdoctoral Researcher at Bournemouth University. Her research interests and expertise focus on the social aspects of sustainability and circular economy. She is the developer of the Human in the Circular Loop framework, investigating the consumer and employee perceptions, attributions and attitudes over enterprise greenwashing and wishcycling. She has participated as researcher in H2020/Research Innovation and Staff Exchange (RISA) projects and in the preparation of competitive research bids, such as the awarded H2020 Shared Green Deal project. She has participated as publicity chair for the Smart Circular Economy workshops (SmaCE), a satellite event of the IEEE DCOSS conference. She has served as reviewer on journals such as the International Food & Agribusiness Marketing and Cities.


Multipath Serially-Mediating Mechanisms of Employee Attitudes and Behaviors: Socially Intelligent Leadership and Organizational Performance
Anastasia A. Katou, Mohinder Chand Dhiman, Anastasia Vayona, Maria Gianni. © 2024. 22 pages.
This research employs the social exchange theory within a macro-external context to conduct a theoretical and empirical examination of the relationship between socially...