Anastasia Misseyanni

Anastasia Misseyanni is Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at Deree – The American College of Greece (ACG). She holds a Chemistry degree from the University of Athens and graduate degrees in Biochemistry from the University of Paris 7 (DEA) and the University of Marburg (PhD). She has a long career in teaching during which she has developed and taught a significant number of undergraduate natural science and environmental studies courses with emphasis on chemistry, biological chemistry, environmental science, ecology, water resources and methodology for environmental studies. She has conducted research in the fields of protein-DNA interactions and hormone-regulated gene expression. She has also been active in the scholarship of teaching. Her present research interests include Mediterranean biodiversity and green roofs, environmental health issues, sustainability initiatives in higher education, innovative teaching and learning strategies in STEM disciplines, active and experiential learning. She coordinated the development of the Deree Environmental Studies program and has served as its program coordinator since 2010. Since fall 2014, she has served as the Head of the Department of Science and Mathematics at Deree-ACG. She has contributed to efforts and initiatives to promote sustainability at ACG.


Environmental Exposures and Human Health Challenges
Paraskevi Papadopoulou, Christina Marouli, Anastasia Misseyanni. © 2019. 449 pages.
Environmental health is an area with significant developments and noteworthy challenges that expand into various disciplines: medicine and public health, sociology and...