Ana Veloso

Ana Veloso holds a Ph.D. in Work and Organizational Psychology from University of Minho (Portugal) and a Master degree from the University of Porto. She also has an MBA from University of Porto Business School and a degree in Psychology from University of Coimbra. She is full professor at the School of Psychology, University of Minho. Integrate member of CICS.NOVA.UMinho. Her research interests are focused on Employment Relation (Creativity and Innovation and Work engagement) and Psychology of Human Resources.


Job Insecurity and Performance: Contributions for an Integrative Theoretical Framework
Ligia Portovedo, Ana Veloso, Miguel Portela. © 2023. 38 pages.
Based on published literature between 2000 and 2020 and applying a systematic review, the authors reflect on the theoretical bases that describe the effects of psychological...
The Impact of Irregular Schedules on Worker Lives: Theoretical Considerations and Implications for Practice
Isabel S. Silva, Liliana Fernandes, Daniela Costa, Ana Veloso. © 2023. 18 pages.
In the recent decades, work schedules have diversified, leading to the implementation of different schedules like shift work or irregular hours. This chapter primarily focuses on...