Amir Hossein Pakseresht

Amir Pakeresht has worked as a researcher at Tehran University (Postdoc position with Iran National Science Foundation: INSF, Since 2016) and Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) Karaj- Iran, since 2010. Pakseresht completed his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering at MERC in 2015. He received his undergraduate study in materials science and engineering from Teheran University. He currently is a research fellow at MERC and Tehran University. His research interests lie in the area of plasma spraying, with a focus on splat morphology and new thermal barrier coatings. He, also, has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines of materials science, particularly film, coating and metal matrix composite. Dr. Pakseresht has also published a book that has been published 5 times in 7 years. Totally, he has published more than 40 journal papers, 5 patents and one international book chapter (till 2017). He is an industry expert with more than 10 years of successful experience. He also, teaches physical chemistry of materials, thermo-dynamics of materials, non-destructive testing, and physical properties of materials.


Production, Properties, and Applications of High Temperature Coatings
Amir Hossein Pakseresht. © 2018. 557 pages.
Heat resistant layers are meant to withstand high temperatures while also protecting against all types of corrosion and oxidation. Therefore, the micro-structure and behavior of...
Investigation on Improved-Durability Thermal Barrier Coatings: An Overview of Nanostructured, Multilayered, and Self-Healing TBCs
Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Mohsen Saremi, Zia Valefi, Amir Hossein Pakseresht. © 2018. 19 pages.
Concurrent with the development of new generation of gas turbines, many attempts have been made to introduce advanced thermal barrier coatings with lower thermal conductivity and...
Concept of Advanced Thermal Barrier Functional Coatings in High Temperature Engineering Components
Amir Hossein Pakseresht, M.R. Rahimipour, M. Alizadeh, S.M.M. Hadavi, A. Shahbazkhan. © 2016. 24 pages.
In conventional thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) the major problem is the spalling of a ceramic coating. This could be due to the large thermal stresses which are generated during...