Amanda Bastoni

Amanda Bastoni , EdD, is an educational researcher, teacher, and Career and Technical Education (CTE) director. Her focus throughout her 20+ years in education has been on increasing equity and access for special populations in CTE, with special interests in how to create pathways for English Language Learners and females interested in STEM careers. She has written articles for local, regional, and national publications and co-authored three books on the use of flexible time, assessment design, and CTE. She is currently the director of Career, Technical & Adult Education at CAST, where she is currently working with school districts and the Bureau of Career Development in New Hampshire to create a CTE pathway in outdoor education and serving as the principal investigator on two National Science Foundation (NSF)–funded projects focused on Career Technical Education (CTE) and rural middle school youth.


Empowering Instructors and Learners by Integrating UDL in Online PD and Teaching Practices
Amanda Bastoni, Sarah R. Goldammer, Tara Schwab, Erin Vobornik. © 2024. 25 pages.
This chapter discusses the importance of both implementing universal design for learning (UDL) in online professional development and teaching UDL through modeling....