Alper Durmaz

Alper Durmaz was born on May 18, 1990, in Istanbul, Turkey. He completed his undergraduate studies in 2013 at Ondokuz Mayıs University, where he majored in Secondary Education in Science and Mathematics with a focus on Biology Teaching. Following this, he earned an associate degree in Medical Imaging Techniques from the Department of Medical Services and Techniques at the same university in 2016. Driven by a passion for biology, Dr. Durmaz pursued a master's degree in Botany at Ondokuz Mayıs University, graduating in 2016. His master's thesis focused on the ecological characteristics of Aristolochia samsunensis Davis. He continued his academic journey at the same institution, earning his Ph.D. in Biology in 2021 with a dissertation titled “A Study on Some Edaphic Factors Affecting Zonation in Halophytic Vegetation in the Yeşilırmak Delta.” His Ph.D. advisor was Prof. Dr. Hasan Korkmaz, who also supervised his master's research. Since 2023, Dr. Durmaz has been working as a postdoctoral contracted researcher at the Ali Nihat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden Application and Research Center of Artvin Çoruh University. His areas of expertise include plant ecology and plant systematics, with significant research contributions on the ecology of halophytic vegetation. Dr. Durmaz has been actively involved in various national and international projects. He has participated as a researcher in projects such as the study of edaphic factors affecting halophytic vegetation zonation in the Yeşilırmak Delta and the establishment of processing and storage facilities for aromatic plants in Artvin. He has also contributed to archaeological surface research on the Akalan Castle and its surroundings in Samsun. Additionally, he is involved in international COST projects aimed at promoting sustainable food production, agriculture, and forestry science. Dr. Durmaz has published numerous articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals and has presented his work at international conferences and symposiums. He has also authored chapters in scientific books, focusing on biochemical methods and nanotechnological applications in plant-microbe interactions. Dr. Alper Durmaz continues to make significant contributions to the field of plant ecology and systematics. Through his research and academic endeavors, he not only advances scientific knowledge but also mentors students, helping to shape the future of botanical sciences.


Need for Biodiversity Conservation and Conservation Strategies
Alper Durmaz, Emine İncilay Torunoğlu, Betül Aydın, Erdi Can Aytar. © 2024. 21 pages.
Biodiversity conservation is imperative for the well-being of our planet, impacting ecosystem stability, productivity, and resilience against environmental stressors. This...
Theoretical Foundations of Soil Ecology and Land Resources
Erdi Can Aytar, Alper Durmaz, Emine İncilay İncilay Torunoğlu, Betül Aydın, Ayşen Melda Çolak. © 2024. 29 pages.
This chapter examines the interaction of plant ecology with the environment and the environmental impacts of agriculture. Plant ecology is a scientific field focused on...
Bio-Medical Applications of Carbon-Based Materials
Erdi Can Aytar, Emine İncilay Torunoğlu, Betül Aydın, Alper Durmaz. © 2024. 35 pages.
Carbon-based materials are indispensable in various scientific fields due to their unique chemical, mechanical, thermal, and biological properties. The ability of carbon atoms to...